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Modern Languages

Guide to resources that will benefit those taking a Modern Language course


For your Modern Languages courses you might be working on several types of projects.  These might include elements of history, literature, cultural study, etc. What this means is that there are a wide range of databases that Kemp has available for you to use, depending on your project's focus.

When looking for articles these Kemp Library databases are usually the first place to look for articles. Depending on your topic, these may not be the only ones that can help you. 

Use the Search Strategy tab for finding books, articles, etc.

Check out the following different subject groupings and our main Databases page for suggested databases. You'll notice that on top of each section we have "best bet" databases for you - try these first.

We also have databases arranged by other subjects and categories you may want to check out:

On the other tabs in this box, you'll find additional resources to help you locate materials both in the physical library and online.

Kemp Library maintains subscriptions to a number of journals related to the study of modern languages. You can search for journals and journal articles through both the Primo Library Catalog and the A-Z Databases page. Below are direct links to some of the journals you might find especially useful for your research:


In addition to subscription journals, many high-quality open access journals in the field are freely available online. A goood sources for finding open access journals and articles is the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). You can also check out these highly rated open access journals from Scimago's Journal RankingsHere are direct links to a few of the open access journals you might find useful:

The ACRL has created a multilingual glossary for using libraries with modern terminology. This includes a table with several terms in multiple languages as well as a list of definitions for each term. Please see them included below.