This page is dedicated to apps for your computer/smartphone/tablet/etc. that you might not know about that perform functions you will definitely need. Not necessarily for your class assignments, but they're useful.
It should be noted that all apps are one of many and these are examples, will be free but may have a pro version or ads, and we receive no money or compensation for their promotion.
Some phone cameras also have a "scanner" mode built in now too! However if you'd like an app to automize and clean up your images, etc. try one of these to start (there are many, many more - free and paid). If you don't have a scanner, if you have a smartphone, you do now. You can also check out this list of best scanner apps of 2022.
Scanner to PDF by Smart Media is a great app for scanning using your cell phone (can also do with a tablet, but cell phones usually have better cameras). This will scan documents and automatically trim out anything in the background, like a table or desk so you have something that looks like you scanned it on a flatbed. You can combine multiple pages, edit the image, turn it into a PDF, utilize OCR (make it a readable PDF image), etc.*This link is to the GooglePlay/Android version. You can see other scanner apps suggested on the page it takes you to.
You know Facebook, Messenger, Snapchat, Skype, etc., etc. etc. But here are a couple you might find useful as you do group work. You can also check out this list of 30 apps for group/project learning.
GroupMe: free group messaging that will work on any device.
Zoom (online video conferencing): you must be an ESU student or staff member to use this text to speech that can be used with any microphone - it has an app or website and can be used easily with a phone. If you create an account you get 600 free minutes of transcription each month. It works great for live conversations, recording meetings or interviews. Here is a tutorial video (start at 1:40, before that is an ad for other software), that shows how to use it.
Every PC has software built in that takes a screenshot (search "Snipping Tool" or "Snip & Sketch"), which is brilliant and easy to use. Snip&Sketch is on newer versions of Windows, and Snipping Tool is on versions earlier than Windows 10.
Your phone may or may not have built in screengrab software as well. For example, the Samsung Galaxy offers "Smart Select" which allows not only a screen grab but a GIF creation. If you're not sure what your phone has, you can try to Google it or try Gyazo.
Gyazo will take screenshots and allow you to insert them into documents like normal, but it will also allow you to share your screenshots with a link - this makes sharing so much easier via chat, messenger, email, etc. It will also let you create up to 7 second GIFs and videos. It takes a very small learning curve and it has great instructions. It can be used on your desktop, laptop, tablet, or Android/Apple smartphone or other device.
Where do you go to make slideshows, awesome presentations, infographics or more? What if you have to collaborate? Try some of these:
These apps are for any student, faculty, staff, etc. - they may help you with writing, citing, organizing, note taking, time management, etc.!
Listed out are apps in the Top 5 video. In her essential apps video she goes over open/free apps. I have included several additions for free or alternative apps as well, especially where he gives Apple only options:
For every app mentioned, there are several others that perform similar functions. It's a matter of finding what works for you!
When working on a dissertation/thesis/big projects, it might be useful to use one or several things similar to any of these - note taking, organizing your writing, organizing your ideas, organizing your research, organizing your PDFs of research and/or citations, time and/or project management software.