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Thesis and Dissertation Guide

Where do you start with your thesis/dissertation? Here's a reference point.

Breaking It Down

The below tutorial videos are provided by a variety of sources, primarily by the software vendors, and explain how to perform various functions in the software. Links to playlists of additional reliable tutorial videos are provided at the top of each tab. If you have questions, please contact a librarian

Tutorial Videos

Here is a link to EBSCO's YouTube channel with many more videos.

Here's a link to ERIC's YouTube channel with many more tutorial videos.

Here is a link to JSTOR's YouTube channel with many more instructional videos. 

We recommend starting with this tutorial playlist. 

Here's the link for NexisUni's YouTube tutorials playlist.

You can link directly to ESU's subscription to ProQuest Dissertation and Theses A&I.

PubMed has several tutorials. You can view the step by step tutorial or a comprehensive list broken out by type.  Tutorials are a mix of written instructions with embedded videos.


FDLP offers a series of tutorial videos on various ways to obtain government information from govinfo.


For using here is a quick tutorial.

Below is a video tutorial on CQ Researcher from SAGE.

There are tons of tutorial videos on Microsoft Word. Search in Google for what specific action you are looking for (or a general introduction) and "Microsoft Word". You may have to specify which edition of Word you are using. You can use this strategy for any software program.

Examples:   Microsoft Word running head

Microsoft Word running head version 10

Microsoft Word hanging indent