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Criminal Justice Resources

A research guide to support ESU students and faculty in Criminal Justice.

Finding Books

Here is a direct link to the library's catalog Primo!

This will search for books and a majority of the library's electronic holdings (electronic articles, etc.)

  • Looking for a particular book? Use the Title Search or Author Search from the drop down box.
  • Use the keyword search or subject search options to find a book when you don't have a title.
  • Keyword Boolean search requires a boolean operator -- AND, OR, NOT ---- between words.

For example: gentrification and race

  treatment or intervention

  abuse not drug

  • Truncation helps you to search for variations of a word without having to type in each word.

In Primo, the truncation symbol is a  " * ". 

For example: child* will find records with the following words: child, children, childhood, etc.

  • You can limit your search!  Perhaps you only want items from our DVDs or Children's or Reference.  Or maybe items only by certain years.  Use the Tweak My Results column on the right to set search limits. 

Keywords are words that appear somewhere in the book, article or record. 

Subjects describe what that book, article or document is about.

Keyword searches can be broader or more specific, it can be confusing, but they're a good way to start finding things. Once you have found something using a keyword search you can look at all the information for that book and see what subject headings are used. Remember that the subject heading will probably give you a better idea as to what the book is really about. You can then look for similar books by clicking on those subject headings.

Explore Sage Knowledge for encyclopedias and reference books. 
  • Whenever you're in Sage Knowledge, scroll down the results list and under Availability select Available to me. These are the only e-books with full text. 

Choose "Available to me" only

Criminal Justice Reference E-Books in SAGE:

EZ Borrow and InterLibrary Loan

Need a book that we don't have?

1) Try using E-Z Borrow: After logging in with your E-Card number, you can search for and request a book. Make sure it's a book, not an e-book version.  Then you'll received an email when the book is ready to be picked-up at Kemp Library.  It usually takes about 5 days. 

2) If a book is not available through E-Z Borrow, then you can submit a book request through ILLiadWe use E-Z Borrow first since it's a regional borrowing network so you'll get the book faster than using ILLiad.