Use the search box below to find books, articles, and more in Primo, the library's online catalog.
Primo searches most of the library's databases so it's a great place to start your research.
Text yourself the call number!
When you locate a book through the library catalog, click "Text item call number" to get a text message with the info you need to find it! It will appear on the search result screen, and in the item record with an image of two links next to it.
If you notice your results all have similar call numbers, browse the section to see if any of our other books might help you.
The 300's and 600's are located on the 2nd (top) floor of Kemp Library.
330 Economics
331 Labor economics
332 Financial economics
333 Economics of land and energy
334 Cooperatives
335 Socialism and related systems
336 Public finance
337 International economics
338 Production
339 Macroeconomics and related topics
354 Administration of economy & environment
380 Commerce, communications, transportation
381 Commerce (Trade)
382 International commerce
657 Accounting
658 General management
For more information on call numbers you can look at this LibGuide.
If you're having trouble locating an item, please refer to the Library Map LibGuide.
Use the interlibrary loan service called EZ Borrow! See the Interlibrary Loan webpage for more information.
1) Log in with your ESU e-card ID number.
2) Search for the book title and/or author.
3) Select the book. If a copy is available, click on the Request button.