CDC Data & Statistics: CDC's main data webpage that links to statistics by topic and tools, including:
CDC WONDER: A public health data, CDC WONDER manages nearly 20 collections of public-use data for U.S. births, deaths, cancer diagnoses, tuberculosis cases, vaccinations, environmental exposures, and population estimates, among many other topics.
CDC COVID Data Tracker: Maps, charts, and data provided by the CDC. See the CDC's Coronavirus page for news and guidance.
Emerging Infectious Diseases: A Peer-Reviewed Journal Tracking and Analyzing Disease Trends (1991-Present available online); Open access journal published by the CDC.
National Center of Health Statistics:
Current Data
FastStats: Use this index for quick and easy access to selected statistics on a variety of health topics and the latest data in reports, databases, and other resources.
Health, United States: An annual report on trends in health statistics. Use the "Data Finder" tool to filter charts by topic and download as an Excel spreadsheet or a PDF.
Healthy People: The Healthy People initiative is designed to guide national health promotion and disease prevention efforts to improve the health of the nation. Released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) every decade since 1980, Healthy People identifies science-based objectives with targets to monitor progress and motivate and focus action.
National Health Statistics Reports (NHSR): Recent annual reports on popular health topics featuring interactive, searchable, and sortable data tables.
Historical Data
Health Statistics: Browse to find the latest available health statistics and data analysis for Pennsylvania, includes tools:
Pennsylvania Health Statistics on the Internet: PDF flyer with links compiled by the Division of Health Informatics.
Health Statistics A to Z: Index for health topics.
COVID-19 in Pennsylvania: News, guidance, and data on Coronavirus in Pennsylvania.
Center for Health Statistics and Informatics (CHS): CHS is responsible for compiling and releasing statistical information on the health of New Jersey residents. CHS publishes official reports on births, deaths, chronic illnesses, injuries, and behavioral risk factors, including:
COVID-19 Data Dashboard: Interactive tool for New Jersey Coronavirus data. Also, see the CHS webpage on COVID-19 Death Data.
NYS Department of Health: Data & Reports: Select a topic, including Community Health Indicator Reports (CHIRS) and vital statistics.
Health Data NY: Apart of the New York State Open Data program, browse datasets including topics on environmental health, facilities and services, community health & chronic disease, COVID-19, and more.
New York State Health Profiles: Find and compare New York State Health Care Providers including hospitals, nursing homes, home care, hospice, and adult care facilities.
Monroe County Health Profile: From the Pennsylvania Department of Health, this health profile includes population, births, deaths, cancer, diseases, behavior, hospitalizations, and facilities. You can download data as CSV.
Monroe County, PA QuickFacts: From the U.S. Census Bureau, related Monroe County demographic information on population, housing, economy, business, etc.
These agency websites focus on services rather than statistics: