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This guide is for anyone taking a Biology course


For your ESU courses you might be working on several types of projects.  What this means is that there are a wide range of over 100 databases that Kemp has available for you to use, depending on your project's focus.

When looking for articles these Kemp Library databases are usually the first place to look for articles. Depending on your topic, these may not be the only ones that can help you.

Databases A to Z

A full list of the databases we subscribe to. You can also sort by broad subject (we divided them for you by major) or type of database (like if you know you need newspapers, ebooks, or statistics).

When in doubt about where to begin try Academic Search Ultimate, or any of the below interdisciplinary databases:

Kemp Library maintains subscriptions to hundreds of thousands journals. You can search for journals and journal articles through both the Primo Library Catalog and the A-Z Databases page. 

In addition to subscription journals, many high-quality open access journals in the field are freely available online. A good sources for finding open access journals and articles is the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).

A great way to find the top journals in your subject is to go to SCImago Journal and Country Rank and to look at the journals that are the top in your subject area. 

Go here and then look at "All Subject Areas" OR "All Subject Categories" (don't do both) and pick the broad subject (like linguistics, sociology, classics, nurse assisting, etc. to see top journals in the field.

If you want journals you can instantly access, hit the box "display only Open Access Journals" right under the drop down menus.

Example with  subject category Archeology (arts and humanities) and display only Open Access Journals:

We subscribe to several ebook database collections. In addition to these, there are many online book collections provide access to millions of free ebooks that might help you in your studies.

The Library of Congress (LoC) has several resources available online that may help in your search.

1. One is their electronic database list, which you can search or browse by subject/topic. They offer several ways to search, including search only free, search journals or databases only, etc. 

2. LoC also has tons of great digital collections. This is only the beginning - they also have oral histories, recordings of author readings, and more. These are a great resource for primary sources.

3. The LoC librarians also create guides similar to this one that may be of use to you. You should definitely check those out and see if there are additional useful resources for your research

The LoC has several worthwhile resources on a wide range of topics that have all been vetted. However, they may not all be peer-reviewed. For instance, primary materials are not peer-reviewed as they are original materials. Questions? Reach out to us or the LoC help channels

Google Scholar Search

Databases have more sophisticated search features than Google Scholar, but if you have a one or two word topic Google Scholar can be useful.  

However, if you're having trouble finding something specific, try Google Scholar. For example you want "Game of Thrones and Graffiti" and you don't see it in a database, search the title of the article in Google Scholar (here you'd search "Game of Thrones and Graffiti"). 

If we don't have it and you can't access it on Google Scholar, you can always request it via interlibrary loan.

"If Google Scholar isn’t turning up what you need, try an open Google search with the article title in quotes, and type the added filter “filetype:pdf”. This scours the open web for papers hosted somewhere, by someone, in PDF format. Google Books provides limited preview access to many copyrighted books. Other alternate services include SemanticScholarMicrosoft AcademicDimensions, or GetTheResearch . Here too there are subject-specific portals like EconBiz or the Virtual Health Library, some of which offer multilingual search options." - Paragraph taken from A Wikipedia Librarian. 

Did you know that you can use Google Scholar in addition to Primo to help search Kemp library materials? You just have to add us to your Google Scholar and our results will show up in your searches showing you what you have access to as an ESU community member!

  1. Go to Google Scholar 
  2. Make sure you're logged into your Google Account - you'll see your initials or your icon in the top right hand corner of the screen if you're logged in. 
  3. Click on Settings (either from the top of the Scholar home page, or from the drop-down on the right hand side of the results page).
  4. Choose Library Links.

  5. Type ‘East Stroudsburg University’ into the search box.

  6. Click the boxes next to “ESU” and "Kemp Library"

  7. Click Save.

  8. If you have other institutions you're affilitated with, or ResearchGate, you can add them too!


Getting to Google Scholar Settings:

screenshot of Google Scholar settings menu

The Library Link Screen: Search, Select and Save!

select all boxes for ESU library links in Google Scholar

What your search results will look like: 

Google Scholar search results with ESU library

Did you know that there are over 50 research guides available to you 24/7? These guides cover many areas of research assistance and will help you in every one of ESU's subject areas.

You can see the entire list at this link! 

Above is a direct search box to the library's catalog Primo (the box is orange)! This will search for books and a majority of the library's electronic holdings (electronic articles, etc.)

The library catalog searches all the physical items in Kemp Library - like books, music, DVDs (look behind the Circulation Desk) and more!

Our library catalog also searches some of our databases at the same time - be sure to select "everything" to search the library catalog and the databases. To only review items available online look at the filters on the right side of your search results, go to Availability and select "full text online" (image below). 

Primo's basic search box looks like this:

When using Primo, note that you can save your searches, keep track of your history, pin interesting items, label items you pin and more - if you login.  Login using your ESU username and password (that you use for D2L) in the upper-right hand corner. You can also click on the "advanced search" option next to the spyglass to get more search boxes to use.

screenshot of availability filter

Have a question on how to use Primo? Ask a librarian! 

InterLibrary Loan is currently available for digital materials.

What is Interlibrary Loan?
Books and journal articles not included in Kemp Library’s collections may be requested via a service called “Interlibrary Loan” or “ILL.”  Through cooperative agreements with other libraries, resources across the nation are available to East Stroudsburg University users.

Because copyright law restricts the number of articles that may be ordered without paying (sometimes significant) royalties, faculty members should check library resources before making assignments using recent periodicals.

Who may use Interlibrary Loan?

At Kemp Library, ILL is available to faculty, staff, and students when materials they need are not in our collection or available through our many online resources.

Is there a charge for Interlibrary Loan?

Most of the time, we are able to obtain materials at no cost. 

Please note: due to copyright guidelines and the cost of copyright royalties, we cannot obtain duplicate articles for users during a calendar year. Please be sure to SAVE or PRINT your articles for future reference.

How long does Interlibrary Loan take?

Many articles will arrive within 2-5 business days. 

You will be notified if we are unsuccessful in filling your request.

How do I get my Interlibrary Loan materials?

You will be notified by email when your requested material has arrived. Articles are posted to your ILLiad account as a PDF. You will receive a notification email with retrieval instructions.


Please call the library at (570) 422-3126.