There is also online tutoring available to you for free between 8pm and 8am everyday and from Friday 8pm until 8am Monday (all weekend). Access NetTutor through D2L. On your D2L homepage, scroll down until you see the widget below on the right side of the screen then click the line that starts with "After hours tutoring is available...":
The link will take you to the NetTutor tutoring or writing center where you can select what kind of tutoring you need help with. Navigate through the "yes I agree" screens - this service is entirely free to students.
This service is only available between 8:00 PM to 8:00 AM everyday. It is also available throughout the weekend which is: 8pm Friday through 8am Monday.
Questions after hours? Try some of the resources below.
You can also look at the other tabs in this guide for help.
There is also online tutoring available to you for free between 8pm and 8am everyday and from Friday 8pm until 8am Monday (all weekend). Access NetTutor through D2L. On your D2L homepage, scroll down until you see the widget below on the right side of the screen then click the line that starts with "After hours tutoring is available...":
The link will take you to the NetTutor tutoring or writing center where you can select what kind of tutoring you need help with. Navigate through the "yes I agree" screens - this service is entirely free to students.
This service is only available between 8:00 PM to 8:00 AM everyday. It is also available throughout the weekend which is: 8pm Friday through 8am Monday.
Please call 570-422-3126.
Chat with a librarian live through the Ask Us button on the home page, or the pop up window.
Email the librarians directly at - please be detailed in your query!
Consultations (video and phone) available though Zoom! Please contact us to schedule. Use the Appointment scheduler below or you can reach out to us individually if you want to work with a particular librarian.
Make an Appointment:
Make an appointment with a librarian and we will work with you virtually - phone, Zoom, etc.