Here is a search for the library's catalog Primo.
This will search for books and a majority of the library's electronic holdings (electronic articles, etc.).
The library catalog searches all the physical items in Kemp Library - like books, music, DVDs (look behind the Circulation Desk) and more!
Our library catalog also searches some of our databases at the same time - be sure to select "everything" to search the library catalog and the databases or just "library catalog" to search the items in the library.
Primo's basic search box looks like this:
When using Primo, note that you can save your searches, keep track of your history, pin interesting items, label items you pin and more - if you login. Login using your ESU username and password (that you use for D2L) in the upper-right hand corner. You can also click on the "advanced search" option next to the spyglass to get more search boxes to use.
Have a question on how to use Primo? Ask a librarian! We're available in person, via chat, email and phone. See the Stuck? page on the left for more information.
If you notice your results all have similar call numbers, browse the section to see if any of our other books might help you.
000-999 are shelved on the top floor
For more information on call numbers you can look at this LibGuide.
If you're having trouble locating an item, please ask for help at the Circulation Desk.
These are ebook collections that Kemp Library subscribes to. You must be a student, staff, or faculty member at ESU for access. You can also see the entire list on our Database Page.
These FREE online book collections provide access to millions of ebooks that might help you in your studies.
Ebook collections (still free) that may require tech-savvy, the use of Calibre, and your use of and knowledge of copyright:
You can also search for books through Google. We may have or be able to ILL books you find!
Still no luck after trying the library catalog Primo and InterLibrary Loan?
You can try searching WorldCat and then submitting an InterLibrary Loan request.
Check out the "We Don't Have It?" page on the left for more information on InterLibrary loan.