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Health Studies


When you locate a book through the library catalog, click "Text item call number" to get a text message with the info you need to find it!  It will appear on the search result screen, and in the item record with an image of two links next to it.

Finding Books through Primo

Finding Books with Our Online Catalog - Primo

Our online catalog PRIMO is the best place to start looking for books in our collection.  If you know what item you are looking for, search our catalog by the title or author.  *If searching by title, remember to eliminate words like "the" or "a" that appear at the beginning of the title.

Because books tend to have a larger scope than articles, try to think of more general terms. For example, think of keywords that relate to your topic like "vaccines" and "elementary schools." Check the book's index and table of contents for more details.

Also: Books in the stacks are arranged by subject, so if you are able to locate one book on your topic, chances are you'll be able to find similar books in the same call number area.  *ESU uses the Dewey Decimal Classification System.  You'll need to know your item's call number to locate it in the stacks.  This information is listed in the item record in our online catalog. 


If you notice your results all have similar call numbers, browse the section to see if any of our other books might help you. 

The 600s (top floor) are where many health related items are located, but there may be items in other areas relevant to your topic.  

For more information on call numbers you can look at this LibGuide.

If you're having trouble locating an item, please refer to the Library Map LibGuide