The below manuals are all in the library at the Circulation Desk under Reserve - this means if you ask for them at the Circulation Desk you can check them out for two hours to be used inside the library. You can also find the rules online at Purdue Owl - see the tab "Online Citation Guides (Purdue OWL)".
A citation allows you to:
By using citations, you also avoid plagiarism (for more on plagiarism, visit that tab on the left).
It also shows how much research you've done on a topic, and strengthens the validity of your argument by showing that others agree or disagree with you, and may already have performed studies to prove your points. By citing, you distinguish your work from others by separating out your ideas.
Want to know more? Watch the video below by UTM Library, and look at the resources available to you in the other tabs in this box. You can also take the quiz from ESU's Writing Studio (box below), or you can try The Citation Game which will quiz you on ACS, APA, Chicago or MLA!
Bibliographic Management Tools help researchers organize and manage their research. They may be able to help you format papers and create footnotes and bibliographies.
There are also many citation building tools available on the web. These tools can be useful but you should always check your citations against the appropriate style guide to be sure the all the information is included and formatted correctly for that style.
The below manuals are all in the library at the Circulation Desk under Reserve - this means if you ask for them at the Circulation Desk you can check them out for two hours to be used inside the library. You can also find the rules online at Purdue Owl - see the next tab "Online Citation Guides (Purdue OWL)".