Very simply an article is peer reviewed if it has been read and scrutinized by scholars or other researchers in the field prior to publication. Think of it as quality control for research and publication.
The article and the journal where it is published also meet certain research and publishing standards for that particular discipline
Other terms for peer reviewed are refereed or juried.
Popular magazines are those that are published with the general reader in mind. The articles generally assume no prior knowledge on the part of the reader and are written by journalists or editors. The goal may be to inform, entertain or persuade the reader.
Popular Magazines may have lots of pictures and they will have advertisements.
Some examples:
Here are some general characteristics that usually apply to peer reviewed journals and their articles:
Most of our databases have a feature that allows you to limit or refine your search results to only those that are peer-reviewed. Look for that option on the search screen. Note --- some database providers have a more lenient definition of peer reviewed, if you're not sure check with a librarian or your professor.