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Sociology Resources

A library research guide to support ESU students and faculty in Sociology.


Welcome to the Sociology LibGuide!

Navigate the red pages (on the left) for a general overview of resources in this discipline. You will find information on locating books, searching for journal articles, advanced tips on utilizing sociology databases and other valuable research information. 

Review the Search Strategies first to get tips on constructing your search before you go to the library databases. 

Library Quick Links are listed below

Questions? Stop by Kemp Library's Circulation Desk for Research Assistance or call 570-422-3594 You can also contact Michelle Donlin, the library liaison for Sociology (click the blue Email Me button on the left).

For information about ESU's Sociology program, please contact the Sociology, Social Work, & Criminal Justice Department.


research assistance is 9a - 4p monday through friday

Research Assistance

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Contact the Librarians!

Library Quick Links

Primo Library Catalog
Search for books, e-books, articles and more!  Primo searches across multiple library databases.
A-Z Database List
Lists all Kemp Library's databases.  Use the All Subject (By Major) dropdown box to narrow to databases in a specific subject. If you're not sure which database to use, select Academic Search Ultimate or get help from a librarian.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
If you can't find a specific book in Primo, use E-Z Borrow to request the book. 
If you can't find the full text of an article, then use ILLiad to request the article.