If you are looking for Government Documents, you can check out this LibGuide for more information. You can also contact Professor Michelle Donlin and Karen Johnson for assistance.
View all of Kemp Library's databases on the Databases A-Z List.
In EBSCO databases, click on the Advanced Search link below the basic search box:
Now you'll have more search boxes and advanced options to utilize:
Depending on the EBSCO database, the subject heading function may be called Subjects, Subject Terms, or Thesaurus.
Example: If you're researching grandparents raising their grandchildren, then using SocINDEX you could get very different number of results depending on your broad and narrow keywords.
Custodial grandparents: 75 results
Grandparent caregiver: 111 results
Grandparenting: 258 results
Grandparent and child: 1,739 results
1) Navigate to any EBSCO database (i.e. Criminal Justice Abstracts, SocINDEX, Gender Studies, etc.)
2) Before you search, click on "Choose Databases" above the search box.
You will see a pop-up box containing all of the library's EBSCO databases.
Tip: Hover above the icon to the right of the database name to read a description of that database.
3) Browse through the database list and check off the databases you want to search simultaneously. Click OK.
Now you can search multiple databases at once!
If your topic is multidisciplinary, you can search across subjects by adding other databases such as:
Business Source Complete
Communication Source
Education Source
Political Science Complete
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
and many more!
Go to the Social Work Reference Center database and browse trending topics: